The Food Bank delivers . . .

On the first Tuesday of each month the San Diego Food Bank makes a huge delivery of produce to those in need. The drop off is at the Bread of Life Rescue Mission in Oceanside, CA. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots, some didn’t seem to mind, one woman yelled at me, “Please,lady don’t take my picture.” It was already too late, so I honored her request by cropping her out. The video is now on Youtube at:

The director of the mission, Steve Bassett informed the crowd I might be taking pictures for him. I tried not to be obvious as I meandered around the crowd. Bread products come from various stores and bakeries and are also handed out that day.

Testing – Power Power Point – Preserving our Open Space

Testing, testing . . . there is music with this, but when I downloaded it, no dice. The original works fine on my Mac. Just wondering if you can see this on a PC.

If you have time, stop by and let me know. Thanks

Open Space 800X600