Monday Memories . . . not exactly Matt and Kitty

If you’re on Facebook, you’re familiar with . . . Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday. Two days that some of us will post photos that are oldies but goodies of our former selves. Reliving the past can either bring a smile, a chuckle or “I can’t believe I did that” and . . . kept the photograph to prove it.

While looking through some old files I came across a shot that I always loved. We had only been married a few years, back in the 90s and took a road trip to the Calico Ghost Town. That would be the 1990s.


A little bit about this silver mining town:

Calico Ghost Town
36600 Ghost Town Rd
Yermo, CA 92398

Calico is an old West mining town that has been around since  1881 during the largest silver strike in California.  With its 500 mines, Calico produced over $20 million in silver ore over a 12-year span.  When silver lost its value in the mid-1890’s, Calico lost its population.  The miner’s packed up, loaded their mules and moved away abandoning the town that once gave them a good living.  It became a “ghost town.”  

Walter Knott purchased Calico in the 1950’s architecturally restoring all but the five original buildings to look as they did in the 1880’s.Calico received State Historical Landmark 782 and in 2005 was proclaimed by then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to be California’s Silver Rush Ghost Town.

The day we visited was HOT and something I ate kept reminding me to never do that again. I really wanted to be a good sport and go on this silver mine adventure. There was a short entrance to the mine and a guide doing his best to educate and entertain us. He mentioned that once we entered the mine there was no turning back and you must exit at the other end. calico silverSuddenly the walls began to close in on me, I felt it hard to breathe. I began to perspire. Did I mention I am claustrophobic? Very claustrophobic. I told my husband I was going back, he reminded me of what the guide said. At this point, it was be disobedient or leave my lunch in the tunnel. I turned tail and ran out into the God-given sunlight.

Today I began thinking about giving Monday a special day for Memories. This shot is not exactly Matt and Kitty, but we did our best. For some reason, there were no shoes for the saloon girls in this little studio set-up. Matt &Kitty

Grant Calico001

Grant Calico &me color

If you are a fan of Gunsmoke, enjoy a few clips from this famlous couple – Marshal Dillon and Miss Kitty.

DNSChanger: God is my Firewall – Doomsday or not . . .

DNSChanger: No, the Internet Isn’t Shutting Down on Monday | Techland | or is it?

Last night a friend called, a hint of panic in her voice. Had I head of the Doomsday malware going to strike millions of people in the USA? Was I protected, did I have a good system in place. Her voice became more agitated as I remained calm, cool and unafraid. She added, “Mac’s” can get it too, you better do something.”  Wow, was the house on fire, had Iran bombed  Israel off the map and were we next? I know the TV news is bad, more reason to watch reruns of Gunsmoke, maybe I should call Marshall Dillon or Fesus to get to these cyber bullies.

My thoughts went immediately to the Millennium bug,Y2K as it was called. People headed for the hills, stockpiled food and supplies. Then it happened! The ball dropped in Times Square and all was right with the world – and  my computer.

“Well,  all your personal information could be stolen, you buy on-line, I know you do.” Friend was getting more frustrated with me. As if stealing a person’s identity was anything new. Sure, some thieves paw through your trash and steal you name, rank and social security number, others are just more technically savvy and paw through your computer.

I would not want to be a victim of the DNS changer, but this is not the end of my world. Some thought their life was over when Twitter went down,  some when they were unfriended  on Facebook  or they went over their  limit in text messages.

That day will come for all of us when we are no more.  A time when God calls us home,  as there is a  season for all things. In the meantime, I will live my life the best I can, help where I am able, forgive and forget and not worry when hackers convince technology to rear it’s ugly side. It may be frustrating, so get the good book and relax. God is my Firewall – is He yours?