The Object of my Affliction

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADoggonit , I am really down with ‘dander’. I mean stuff that makes you miserable. The sneezing, the coughing and the itching. Allergy pills, nose spray – forget about it. Every Spring and Fall things get a little drippy, but out of the blue, I find myself allergic to Max! Well, not him but that white specks of dead skin that seem to get onto and into everything. Giving him fish oil, regular baths and brushing and really good food.

Yes, I know the drill. Get rid of carpets, upholstered furniture, keep the dog off the couch, off the bed and clean, clean, clean. I do my best, on some of it.  My husband has always had to use an inhaler, maybe that will be next. Taking Max back to the shelter is not an option. gg58772415

There is only one thing that I can do to avoid this problem, as much as I hate to do it.
Max-kisses-daughterI just have to figure way to get those wonderful kisses and that cold nose nudging me

Breaking News!
Just ordered this air purifier today. Perhaps Max won’t be a Bubble Boy after all.air purifier

String me along . . . Why don’t ya?

He told me I had to do this everyday, I’d feel better about it. Just get through it without bleeding. Without flicking remnants of my nourishment  where they didn’t belong. For me, this habit was one I had problems establishing, I knew I would hear about it in the months to come, that I would hear that voice counting off the numbers, and if I wasn’t a good girl, I’d cringe. The report would cause a warning, I’d be ashamed.woman-ashamed-e1283538067513

So, I grab that little white box and pull. And pull. How much was too much, and would too little work? Wind it around my fingers and keep from wincing. Fourteen inches of wax-coated string to use only floss4 inches!  My frugality screamed, WASTEFUL, WASTEFUL! But I needed to make him happy, pleased with my uncluttered spaces, my pink and healthy tissue. My six month check-up was due.


Are you a flosser? Do you, as my hubby does, use at least 24 inches of floss? Does it make you ashamed when the hygienist goes tisk, tisk?




A professional teeth cleaning is a procedure in which your dentist uses a variety of tools to help deep clean your gums and the surface of your teeth. First, your dentist will use an ultrasonic cleaner and a water sprayer to loosen and remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. Your dentist will then scrape additional plaque and tartar off your teeth by using a metal tool called a hand scraper. You could feel mild discomfort during this part of the procedure. Your dentist may also sand and smooth the roots of your teeth in order to remove plaque and other bacteria. Finally, the dentist brushes your teeth with a rotary toothbrush and a gritty type of toothpaste that polishes and cleans your teeth. After doing this, your dentist may floss your teeth or give you a fluoride treatment to strengthen them.

Now don’t you feel better?


I thought I’d repost one of my drabbles – so far, nearly 12,000 hits on Youtube. Go figure.


Friday Drabble – The Dentist

She sat in the chair,
Her mouth open wide
While the man in white
Probed around inside.

Her fingers were folded,
as if in a prayer,
the drilling and filling
was all she could hear.

The TV was on,
high overhead.
While captions scrolled,
she had one thing to dread.

No, not the needle
or even the drill.
Insurance was paid,
so there’d be no bill.

Commercials were done,
The audience cheered,
A few more moments,
Time enough, she feared?

The guest was livid,
Then onstage – the wife,
the dentist was done
when out came the knife.

Springer went dark.

Planned Parenthood on the Ropes – Orrin Hatch – Townhall Conservative

The pro-life citizens who elevated the issue of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood can hold their heads high. In exposing Planned Parenthood for what it is, we have set the stage for a victory that might not come tomorrow, but eventually will come.

via Planned Parenthood on the Ropes – Orrin Hatch – Townhall Conservative.