Shots of the week . . . so far.

My husband asked me where I wanted to go for my birthday, which was Feb.3. Not one to make a fuss over this day, I just wanted to go to another skatepark and take some pics. We arrived about 11:30 and not a soul in sight. We had just decided to leave when one young man, on a break from work, showed up. I think he was just learning and really didn’t give me much of a show. Sun on concrete and he was dark clothing. Most would have said, forget it. Not me. As he was leaving I thanked him for not minding me taking shots, surprised and, he didn’t even know what I was doing. Now, that’s concentration. I mean. we were the only two people there. Hubby had gone to investigate other stuff, he’s not one for skateboarders.

Another day at the lagoon. Sunshine was plentiful after a dose of early morning fog. They are dredging the lagoon to replenish sand the winter tides have swallowed. I spotted the first and only bloom on one of the many cactus plants along the way. There was another older couple, I think the man was taking pics with his cell as he climbed up the hill to find the perfect yellow flower. Maybe to go with his shirt.

Surfing the Concrete Wave

Alga Norte Community Park in Carlsbad just opened a world class park to the tune of 40 million. The new Skate Park is a small part of it, and fun to watch the kids and adults riding the concrete waves. Just a few shots and a few dressed up for prime time.


Personal milestone – 50!

No, not my age . . . but 50 videos I’ve created with my pics  and posted to Youtube. Screen name for Youtube – Onedeliciousmac – my puter, not a burger.

Although I am not a Skateboarder, I promised to show you more of the exhibit at the  William D Cannon Art Gallery in Carlsbad, CA. Finally realized my ISO was set too high, but I hope you will enjoy my 50th. tuber.

Never too old to Skateboard . . .

There is “The History of Skateboarding” exhibit at our local art gallery.  A older man came and went as I tried to photograph the brightly colored, and brightly lit decks. A younger man came in and barely looked around. I’m more of a paddleboard kind of gal, but I thought it would be a change of pace. As I started to leave, hubby was waiting with his twenty-five-cent paperbacks he scored at the attached library, an older lady with a walker came though the door. I heard her say, to no one I could see, “This looks like fun.” I kept taking pictures and hoped she wouldn’t mind being included. Not sure why the photos are so noisy – but I thought I’d give you a peek anyway. The colored pencil sketch was just for fun.

Will load more graphic pics, make that pics of graphics  . . .  later

Who needs a skateboard?



Some kids are very inventive. The sign says, No Skateboarding on our street – which is really just a parking lot for the condo complex. This youngster has a skateboard, but not wanting to pay a $75.00 for using it here, he decided to take an office chair which was waiting for trash day and roll around on his belly.